We understand that every student is unique. All of our tutors are trained to prioritize getting to know each individual student and their specific learning needs.

Our services.

  • In-person, private lessons in Flagstaff, AZ

    If you or your student need help with math in the Flagstaff area, we are happy to have one of our tutors come to your home, local library, or anywhere else you’d like to meet for private lessons. We offer flexible days and times.

    We have tutored students in FUSD, private charter schools, home-schooled, CCC, and NAU.

    All of our tutors are vaccinated against COVID-19, but we are happy to accommodate any health protocols you would prefer to follow.

    If you or your student are interested in private, local lessons, please contact us directly.

  • In-person, group lessons in Flagstaff, AZ

    We are excited to now offer group lessons for students that may want to work with a friend, sibling, or other classmates.

    Group lessons are a great option to split the cost of tutoring, and make a tutoring session more engaging and fun for all students involved.

    If you would like to inquire about starting a regular group lessons, please contact us directly.

  • Online, remote tutoring around the world

    In addition to serving students in our community here in Flagstaff, we also strive to use technology to expand to students all over the United States and the rest of the world. Our tutors are able to meet over video chat, and are equipped with sketchpad attachments to their computers, allowing the lesson to be as comprehensive as if they were sitting right next to their student.

    If you are not located in the Flagstaff area but still have interest in working with one of our tutors, please contact us so that we may consider if Einstein Tutoring will be able to work with you.